During transition between states, you might want to perform some additional operations, for example send an e-mail to a user who will have a task to perform in the next state. You can achieve this by using activities – small programs performing a given operation or operations. Activities can be set in a desired order, you can also execute activities when certain conditions are met.
Note: Activities defined inside action will execute after the action is launched and after the launch form is filled and confirmed (if there is launch form defined for the action).
How to add an Activity
To add activities to action you need to click activities icon on menu that shows up, when you hover mouse on action.
Another way you need to open action menu. It may be done by double-click on the action you want to edit or by clicking edit icon on menu that shows up, when you hover mouse on action.
After opening the "Edit action properties" window, you should to click the activities button.
The window with activities looks like this:
A special area to which activities are added is marked with a red frame on the screen-shot above. To add activities you have to just drag them from the list on the left and drop them on the special gray area.
Each action can have a unique set of activities. The set of activities for selected action may look like this.
How to edit an Activity
After adding an activity, you need to set the appropriate values in it. To do this, double-click on the activity or click on the pencil icon on the activity. The activity edition window will then open.
The edit window for the "Edit Items" activity:
The edit window for the "Send an Email" activity:
In the edit window, you have a short description of the activity, telling you what operation it performs. You can change activity’s displayed name and set the parameters the activity takes. Some of them might be required (marked with an asterisk) and you must provide them with a value; otherwise the activity will not run properly.
You can see a description of each parameter in a tooltip: just point your mouse cursor over the small icon next to the parameter you want to learn about or over its name.
After filling the parameters, the edit window of the "Edit Items" activity should look like in the screen-shot below.
Activities Types
The list of activities is as follows:
There are ten groups of activities:
- Control
- General
- Workflow
- Office
- SharePoint
- Teams
- One Drive
- Outlook
- To-Do
- Planner
Control group
includes the following activities:
- Container - is used to organize activities. Within it, you can organize your activities.
- For Each - repeats group of activities for each element in an array, in order.
- If - allows you to set logical conditions under which the group of activities set on the left path is launched. Otherwise it allows execution of activities on the right path.
- While - allows to create a loop.
General group
includes the following activities:
- Call HTTP Web Service - activity allows to communicate with an HTTP Web Service
- Query SQL - activity allows to communicate with SQL database
Workflow group
includes the following activities:
- Add to Role - activity allows you to assign selected users and groups to a selected workflow role.
- Remove from Role - activity allows you to remove selected users and groups from selected worfklow role.
- Set Variable - activity allows you to set a new value of a workflow variable.
Office group
includes the following activities:
- Call Microsoft Flow - activity allows to start Microsoft Flow.
- Send an Email - activity allows to send an Email.
SharePoint group
includes the following activities:
- Add Item - activity allows you to add a new item to the selected SharePoint list.
- Add SharePoint File - activity
- Delete Items - activity allows you to delete selected items on the SharePoint list.
- Edit Items - activity allows you to edit selected items on the SharePoint list.
- Set item permissions - activity allows you to set permissions on items or the SharePoint lists.
includes the following activities:
- Add Channel - activity allows you to add a channel to an existing team.
- Create new team - activity allows to create new team a Teams channel.
- Create Teams Chat - activity allows to create a new Teams chat.
- Delete event in teams - activity allows to delete Teams event.
- New Teams Event - activity allows you to add an event in Teams.
- Post message to a channel - activity allows to post message to a Teams chanel.
- Send Teams Chat Message - activity allows to send a message in a Teams chat.
- Update event in teams - activity allows to update event in teams.
One Drive
includes the following activity:
- Add OneDrive File - activity allows to upload an existing file to a OneDrive folder.
includes the following activities:
- Delete Message - activity is used to delete a message selected by the user.
- Junk Message - activity is used to mark a selected message as spam.
- Move Message - activity allows to you move the selected message to another folder.
- Update Message - activity allows you to update the properties of the selected message.
includes the following acivities:
- Add a to-do - activity allows you to add a new task to a specific to-do list.
- Create a to-do list - activity allows you to create a new to-do list.
includes the following activities:
- Create a Planner Bucket - activity allows you to create a bucket for tasks in Planner.
- Create a Planner Plan - activity allows you to create a new plan in Planner.
- Create a Planner Task - activity allows you to create a new task in Planner.
- Delete a Planner Bucket - activity allows you to delete a bucket in Planner.
- Delete a Planner Plan - activity allows you to delete a plan in Planner.
- Delete a Planner Task - activity allows you to delete a task in Planner.
- Update a Planner Bucket - activity allows to update a bucket in Planner.
- Update a Planner Plan - acticity allows to update a plan in Planner.
- Update a Planner Task - acticity allows to update a task in Planner.
How to remove an activity
If you want to delete an activity, you need to click on the selected activity on the X icon. A modal window will be displayed in which you must confirm operation. The activity will be removed.